and then. somehow. she was nine. the annababy, obviously no longer a baby, is turning into quite an interesting and fun kiddo. she’s adventurous, curious, thoughtful, kind, honest, smart, creative, and goofy. she loves to draw and write and read and dance and play music. she hates math and compulsory school. she loves all animals […]
the isaaczilla turns 12.

while we were in winston-salem, in january, the boy had his twelfth birthday. it seems like just a couple of minutes ago i was bringing him home from the hospital, but alas, it’s been a dozen years. it’s going by quickly and isaac has always been, shall we say, “spirited”, giving us a run for […]
the crazelnut is five.

well. the baby is five. i’m not sure how it happened. time is flying by. we held an obligatory photo shoot in the camper. and it took a million tries to get good pictures of her, because she can’t resist making silly faces. so, five. the crazelnut is the hilarious, class clown of our family. […]
theannababy turns EIGHT!!

yesterday, this tiny human turned eight. she’s turning into a super cool medium sized human, right before my eyes. she is adventurous and curious and smart and thoughtful and funny and creative. she loves wildlife and nature and art and minecraft and camping and hiking and rock climbing. she wants to be a geologist or […]
isaac = eleven.

last week, this guy turned ELEVEN. i have no idea how this happened. like all lidkids on their birthday, i made him pose for some photos. and he looks so grown. i told him to hold up eleven fingers, and he did this. he wanted chocolate muffins (which are really just oversized chocolate chip cupcakes) […]
crazelnut is FOUR!!!

somehow. it has been four entire years, since the crazelnut came bursting onto the scene. ok, that’s a lie, she basically had to be dragged out, begrudgingly, onto the scene. but now that she’s here, she’s making the most of it. i don’t even know how to begin to describe this kid. she’s a mess. […]
the anna baby is seven!

while we were in the internet abyss of sugarite canyon state park, the annababy had a birthday. i tried really hard to make it special, with no family, friends or cool things to do in the area. she didn’t seem to mind. we started with a birthday morning photoshoot, like we used to do at […]
double digits.

isaac is ten. it happened last week. we were in alabama. and he turned ten. we kicked off his big day with funfetti pancakes and bacon. for lunch, he chose chick fil a. obviously. then we dashed home and scrambled to wrap presents. hazel insisted on labeling her own. 🙂 then it was cake time. […]
the anna baby is SIX!!

well, the anna baby is six now. i suppose we should stop calling her a baby. nah. anyhow, her birthday festivities were much more chill than last year. (hint: princess anna and elsa came). we had hoped to have a little park play day and birthday cake for all of her friends and some of […]
our last days in a house.

i was going to try to categorize this blog into several different blogs. one for “prepping to move out”, one for “easter eggs”, one for “hazel pottytrains”…. but, i’m just going to glob it all together here, and be all caught up, and move on with my life… here goes… on the night we arrived […]