on monday, the summer came screeching to a halt, and the two oldest lid kids had their first day of school. a new school. isaac tested into the HAG (highly academically gifted) program, which is only at two schools in our system. fortunately, it’s only about 6 minutes away from where we live. anyhow, anna […]
isaac’s eighth birthday.
minecraft mania.
last saturday. isaac lidbom turned. eight. eight. EIGHT. how did this happen? anyhooo… we took some obligatory chalkboard pics of the boy as he entered into his ninth year on the planet… first, one by himself. all proud. then, anna joined in the fun. except she wasn’t feeling it was so fun to have all […]
hazel is ONE!
a year ago, at this time, i had just finished up this exciting adventure. now. here we are a year later. and sweet hazel is one. no longer a baby. a toddler. she’s so different from the other two. she talks a lot more. she can say mom, dad, isaac, anna, peekaboo, uh oh, giddyup, […]
eleven months.
well. i’m a bit late on this post. a few weeks ago, hazel turned 11 months. our photoshoot was a total failure. she’s too busy to sit for even just one pic. i managed to get this good shot with the big sis. snuggling with the bunny. i’m closer to 12 months (ONE YEAR!!) and […]
ten months.
yesterday, hazel reached the ripe old age of ten months. i attempted photoshoots in various locations, but she is a kid on the go, so we struggled. she’s picked up a lot of tricks in the last month. she just started responding to the age old question, “how big is hazel??” (answer: “sooooo big” with […]
nine months.
the hazel baby is turned nine months old yesterday. she’s been on the outside for as long as she was on the inside. (in theory. she spent an extra week on the inside, in case you forgot.) i spent the day trying to get just one good picture of her and this was as good […]
family beach trip. sunday funday.
our first full day at the beach was also derek’s birthday. and hazel’s eight month birthday. are the months called birthdays? anyhoooo… here’s the big eight month old at the beach… (here’s what’s happening in her world these days: she’s pulling up. cruising. standing on her own for a bit. pushing around a walker toy. […]
seven months. (and 11 days).
hazel hit the seven month milestone a week and a half ago. i took some pictures. it’s getting harder. she never stops moving. she’s full all out crawling. and pulling up. and starting to cruise. she loves to get into the dog food. and dump the full bowl of dog water. and pull books off […]
double check ups.
so. i had the bright idea to take anna and hazel for their well child check ups at the same time. anna’s four year. hazel’s six month. they did all the required measurements and such. anna… height: 3′ 4″ tall. 50th percentile. weight: 31 lbs. 14th percentile. she’s a heavyweight. and hazel… height: 26.25″. 58th […]
five months.
a few days ago, hazel reached the five month milestone. she’s changed a ton in the last month. firstly, she can sit up unassisted. she’s pretty pleased with this new skill. her night time sleeping has been a TON better. she goes down pretty easily between 8 and 9 and stays asleep until about 630 […]