a peppa pig themed 2nd birthday party for the crazelnut.

i can’t even believe it. it went by in a flash. last thursday, hazel turned two. she’s currently obsessed with all things peppa pig, so a peppa pig themed party was in order. first, we attempted some chalkboard birthday pics. she loved the balloons. but, overall, was NOT super cooperative. we had to switch out […]

ten months.

yesterday, hazel reached the ripe old age of ten months. i attempted photoshoots in various locations, but she is a kid on the go, so we struggled. she’s picked up a lot of tricks in the last month. she just started responding to the age old question, “how big is hazel??” (answer: “sooooo big” with […]

double check ups.

so. i had the bright idea to take anna and hazel for their well child check ups at the same time. anna’s four year. hazel’s six month. they did all the required measurements and such. anna… height: 3′ 4″ tall. 50th percentile. weight: 31 lbs. 14th percentile. she’s a heavyweight. and hazel… height: 26.25″. 58th […]