five months.

a few days ago, hazel reached the five month milestone. she’s changed a ton in the last month. firstly, she can sit up unassisted. she’s pretty pleased with this new skill. her night time sleeping has been a TON better. she goes down pretty easily between 8 and 9 and stays asleep until about 630 […]


last week. on thursday. this kid turned four. it seems very impossible. she’s quite a little character. very independent. and stubborn. she is a super little artist. and loves to read. and pretend. and play with princess dolls. and baby dolls. and hoard piles of random toys into the hidden corners of the house. we […]

official first grader

tuesday was isaac’s last day of kindergarten. (and my last day of having a semi-mess-free house). he eagerly wore the same shirt as the first day of school. (shorts and sneakers are too small. sigh.) and we snapped some cute pictures before i sent him off. cute picture one. cute picture two. with curious onlooker. […]