last week. on thursday. this kid turned four. it seems very impossible. she’s quite a little character. very independent. and stubborn. she is a super little artist. and loves to read. and pretend. and play with princess dolls. and baby dolls. and hoard piles of random toys into the hidden corners of the house. we […]
four months…
hazel hazel hazel. you are four months old today. and you are wearing. us. out. you are a busy and ultra alert little lady. if you hear a sound, especially one made by a sibling, you crane your little neck around as fast as it will go to see what is going on. we had […]
fully rotational
hazel rolled over from back to front last week. on thursday. at 3 months and 10 days. the same as isaac. anna was a few days behind. i seem to have my work cut out for me… anyhow, she’s not exactly fully rotational, because she prefers to roll one way from front to back. and […]
three months
hazel is three months old today. ninety days. one fourth of a year. almost 13 weeks (that’s tomorrow). we are starting to settle in a bit. as we knew we would approximately 89 days ago. but, it’s so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel at 2:30 am with a screaming […]
62 days. 2 months. 1/6 years.
yesterday, this girl turned two months old. for her two month birthday gift, we went to the doctor on friday for a checkup and shots. she’s now a whopping 22.5″ long (which seemed a little suspect since she was super wiggly and pretty much sideways when they marked it on the paper). anyhow. that’s the […]
cake tests, painting, baby teeth
it’s time! for another post of hijacked instagram pictures… before i committed to making lego man cakes for a group of small children, i did a trial run, to see if i could handle the task. the frosted version. frosting was tedious, but i was pretty sure i could handle it on a smallish scale. […]
rolling, chick fil a, smiles
lots of adventures and firsts in this weeks edition of random pictures from lidkidville. anna’s grumpy face. toy rainbow sorting project. tummy time. hazel has rolled over a few times now. and, off we go… tv bums. sleepyhead. we had our first group adventure. i took the three to get frozen yogurt. exciting. isaac was […]
one month.
phew. this past month has flown by. and it has dragged on endlessly. all at the same time. hazel is one month old. we really like her. she looks like a perfect mix between isaac and anna. it’s crazy. i just want to smoosh her little face. i think i’ve kissed her one million times […]
official first grader
tuesday was isaac’s last day of kindergarten. (and my last day of having a semi-mess-free house). he eagerly wore the same shirt as the first day of school. (shorts and sneakers are too small. sigh.) and we snapped some cute pictures before i sent him off. cute picture one. cute picture two. with curious onlooker. […]
yesterday was this guy’s birthday: i made him pose for various pictures in front of the chalkboard. i woke up early (well not really. i skipped the gym and actually woke up later. but i digress.) and made him bacon and pancakes. his favorite. and i made him eat in his underwear because i didn’t […]