so. i think at this point, i’m on tuesday of our first week. to help keep track. our first stop on tuesday was to visit the varland clan. even though julie just had her fourth kiddo 7 weeks before this picture was taken, she was still a gracious host and fed us some delicious pb&j’s. […]
new gramma
the sad trip home.
on the morning of isaac’s birthday, my mom called to tell me that my uncle ray passed away in the night. he’s my mom’s mom’s brother. and we were all very close, growing up. i’ll save his story for another post, but for now, here’s the tale of our sad adventure home, to bid him […]
the week between christmas and new years.
like last year, my parents drove through the night on christmas and arrived on our doorstep in the wee hours of the morning. actually, they carefully and quietly snuck in and we even know they’d arrived. the big kids woke up and were super excited. not so for hazel. she was skeptical. it took her […]
dixie classic fair. twenty fourteen.
while my parents were visiting, we also decided to check out the dixie classic fair. yesterday was a beautiful day, so i kept isaac out of school, and off we went. we bought the unlimited ride bracelet for the older kids. which was a little tough, because anna is about 40″ and for a lot […]
patterson farms. twenty fourteen.
my parents came to town on friday morning. we gave them a day to settle in, then forced my mom to go to the pumpkin patch with us. every year, we hit up the same place. it’s awesome. our first pumpkin patch pic with hazel. thanks to my mom for the family shot. hazel and […]
july 4th and our last day in batavia.
so, in batavia, on the fourth of july, there’s an extravaganza in centennial park all afternoon. i haven’t been to it in years upon years, but this year, we decided to give it a go. i totally should have taken a panoramic shot of all of the festivities. there’s music. and crafty vendors. bounce houses. […]
taughannock falls.
i have a friend named mary. she was my camp counselor at ymca camp arthur g. hough. (aka: the most magical place in the universe). she was also a friend of my uncle, who isn’t all that much older than me, now that we are in our 30’s and 40’s. and. she was a substitute […]
hazel’s first trip to batavia. part one.
i’m only now just recovering from our trip to ny. we got home nine days ago. it was super busy. and i barely slept. and never slept well. and the travels were misery. but, we had lots of fun and adventures. we loaded up and left on a friday afternoon after derek finished a test […]
the other things that have been happening lately.
besides anna turning four, hazel turning five months, the strawberry picking and the butterfly growing, these are some pics of what’s been happening around here… hazel is fast outgrowing the bumbo seat. she can almost turn herself completely around in it. and she rocks violently and it slides across the table. and this: test run […]
strawberry (and flower) picking.
during my mom and terry’s visit, we went strawberry picking. and by “we”, i mean, me, my mom, hazel and anna. the girls. anna started off strong. but, she was very selective. if my mom picked one that looked a little abnormal or had a little yellow still on it, she would throw it back. […]