all the happenings in january. guacamole hazel. cupcake-juicebox hazel. play-doh anna. a new giant box came in the mail. anna moved in. isaac sorted markers for her to decorate with. waffle maker helper hazel. i’m told this is princess elsa. flat play-doh version. hazel is terrible at her cheerio book. anna the painter. princess elsa […]
isaac’s eighth birthday.
minecraft mania.
last saturday. isaac lidbom turned. eight. eight. EIGHT. how did this happen? anyhooo… we took some obligatory chalkboard pics of the boy as he entered into his ninth year on the planet… first, one by himself. all proud. then, anna joined in the fun. except she wasn’t feeling it was so fun to have all […]
christmas day. twenty fourteen.
finally. christmas day is here. (i actually think i took this pic christmas eve, but whatevs). the tree survived. if you’ll note, there’s no ornaments in the bottom third and the lights and garland are slightly askew. and the presents are ready to go… the kids did a great job of not coming down at […]
hazel’s birthday party. (parties).
and now. a gratuitous amount of hazel eating cake pictures. first up. her actual birth day. we just had a little family only cupcake party. hazel. not a fan. (truth be told, she was crying because we told her not to touch the flame). she recovered nicely, and dug into the delicious frosting. she took […]
mountain getaway.
last weekend, we made a semi-spontaneous trip to the mountains for a little family getaway. we started it out by turning hazel’s seat around. she’s a few days shy of one, but not if you count from her due date. actually, i think the law might be two years old now. which is ridiculous. anyhooo… […]
family beach trip. bear building day.
monday was a little drizzly and overcast, so we headed out to broadway at the beach for a little shopping and dining and walking around. and whining. 🙂 here’s the walking. some rock candy soothed the whining. we were hoping to do magicquest with isaac and build-a-bear with anna. but, once were in build-a-bear, isaac […]
pre family beach trip catch up post.
ok. get ready for one zillion pictures. then, i’m going to try to make sure nothing fun or picture worthy happens in the next two days. because on saturday, we pack up and our little family of five will head to the beach. and you can be sure that i will be over facebooking, instagramming […]
since february…
it’s been a whirlwind these last couple of weeks. other than telling you that i’m homeschooling and that hazel turned three months and that i made a quilts, i haven’t updated much. so without further ado… here are the happenings of late. some snuggles with hazel. when i took this next picture, i was convinced […]
rolling, chick fil a, smiles
lots of adventures and firsts in this weeks edition of random pictures from lidkidville. anna’s grumpy face. toy rainbow sorting project. tummy time. hazel has rolled over a few times now. and, off we go… tv bums. sleepyhead. we had our first group adventure. i took the three to get frozen yogurt. exciting. isaac was […]
the last bit of randomness from 2013.
warning. lots of cute pics on the way. but, first. some brutal honesty. things have been difficult around here. we have been having a really hard time with isaac and anna for the last few months. we hoped that it was just some tension because the baby was on the way. and we had hoped […]