from lassen volcano, we traveled back across california, all the way to the coast, amidst the cluster of redwood national and state parks. after our considerably frustrating internet situation the previous week, when we found a campground with decent cell signal, we plopped down the cash for a solid two week stay. we did a […]
the rambling road show
lassen volcanic national park.

sooooooooooo…. from lake tahoe, via reno, we moved onto lassen volcanic national park. i really had absolutely no idea what to expect from a volcano themed national park. our campsite was on manzanita lake, in the northwest corner of the park and basically had zero cell signal, which meant it was going to be a […]
kid free rubicon trail hike. (plus: vikingsholm).

when the grandlidboms are in town visiting, it gives derek and i an opportunity to do some stuff without kids, a luxury you give up when you adopt a life on the road. since we are both keto-ing pretty hard, we decided to use our alone time to go on a longer hike than would […]
lake tahoe with the grandlidboms.

it has been a LONG time since our last visit from the grandlidboms. we spent christmas in san diego with them, so it had been over six months by the time our lake tahoe visit rolled around, and the kids could barely contain themselves. we arrived and set up a little before they were able […]

here we go. another mad dash round of bloggy catch up. when i left off, had stopped to visit the jelly belly factory on our way from point reyes national seashore to a little spot just north of sacramento, in nicolaus, california. the place was a thousand trails campground, which usually means there’s not much […]
jelly belly factory.a travel day detour.

so. we usually try to travel on weekends because it’s much too stressful to pack up and leave on a workday for derek. plus, checkout is usually sometime in the late morning, which isn’t ideal when you have a job. but, sometimes, the availability of cool parks in peak seasons necessitates a weekday departure. such […]
some random stuff without a home.

during our last few stays, we have kept pretty busy with epic adventures, necessitating their own blog posts. but there’s been a bit of fun stuff happening in the downtime, so i’ll try to catch all of that up here. firstly. when we find ourselves at a boring spot after weeks at epic spots (and […]
“i can’t stand it!”(charles schulz museum)

anyone who knows us, knows that we are pretty big charlie brown and peanuts fans (especially at christmas time). while we were at point reyes, our campground was only an hour from the charles schulz museum in santa rosa, so of course i scheduled a day to take the drive out for a visit. this […]
point reyes national seashore adventures.

while we were in manteca, california, the high temps were creeping up to 105° and maybe higher. it was hott. then, we hopped in the camper and car and drove towards the coast. and when we settled into our cute little shady campsite among the redwoods, just two hours away, at samuel p. taylor state […]
san francisco. day three.sf moma, exploratorium, golden gate bridge.

our final day in san francisco is a tale of two separate adventures. after we were up and fed and ready to take on the day, we split up. i headed to downtown, all by my lonesome, to check out the sf museum of modern art. derek and the kids hit up the exploratorium at […]