when i was going through my photos for all of the fifty something posts about our summer road trip, and trying to organize them into reasonably sized clumps for blog posts, i ended up with a few homeless photos that i didn’t want to leave out. so, here’s a bit of miscellany from our speedy […]
rocky mountain national park.day six. last hurrah hike.

whelp. it’s our last day in rocky mountain national park. and RMNP is our last epic spot on the summer road trip. the rest of the trip would be decidedly less hike oriented. so, i was determined to have one last hurrah, and for all those same reasons, anna was game to join me. after […]
rocky mountain national park.days four and five. low key. hike free.

our big planned rocky mountain national park event with the grandlidboms was a drive along some of trail ridge road, aka: the highway to the sky. the road crosses (winds) through the park, maxing out at 12,186′ elevation, with breathtaking views in every direction. we fired up one of the guided tour apps and piled […]
rocky mountain national park.day three. sky pond solo hike.

with two solid kid hiking days in the books, and the grandlidboms in town, it was the perfect day for me to ditch everyone and tackle a longer, harder, and maybe way more awesome, solo hike. i woke up early and went outside to get some water for coffee and discovered we had some friendly […]
rocky mountain national park.day two. emerald lake.

i wasn’t kidding. after our 5.6 or so mile hike to mills lake on our first day, we turned around and hit the trails again on day two. the grandlidboms were set to arrive that night for a couple of days, so i wanted to cram in all the things i could before they were […]
rocky mountain national park.day one. mills lake hike.

when we came off the road in 2019, one of our regrets was that we never made it to rocky mountain national park. it was the one big park out west that we missed, but when we were in denver (in may 2017) there was a giant snow storm and most if it was closed. […]
the long road home.

well. i guess now is as good a time as any to talk about why we are going home. while the road trip life is pretty amazing and we have gotten to do so much awesome stuff, we are struggling a bit with family life. i don’t know if our time is just up being […]
colorado national monument.

finally. it was time to start our long trip across the country back to north carolina. derek and isaac took the rv with the plan to travel in small increments in the evenings after work, and the girls and i took a different route, with a plan to squeeze in some adventures and visit friends. […]
mesa verde road trip.

in the middle of our delightful week with full hookups at an actual campground in an actual city, derek had to take a huge 48 hour test for work. we decided the best course of action, to give him peace and quiet, was for the me and the lidkids to find somewhere else to be […]
dinosaur national monument

on saturday, we rolled into our 22nd state, leaving colorado and entering utah. we camped at dinosaur national monument, which spans both states. after we settled in to our campsite (which wasn’t hard, because we didn’t have any hookups – sewer, electric, or water. which means we basically just parked), we headed over to the […]