on november 16th, i entered into my fortieth year on earth. that is to say, i turned thirty nine. it was a monday, but i started the celebration on the preceding thursday. firstly, i went out with some friends to the porch. so fun. i had a foothills frostbite black ipa to start things off. […]
busy october. apparently.

excluding pics of our trip to NY, two field trips, anna’s class halloween party and actual halloween, i still managed to find 45 pictures of october happenings. and i totally could have had more. it was a fun month, i guess. of course like seven of them are hazel eating a donut. oops. here we […]
a fall visit to the homeland. part 1.

i graduated high school in 1994. so, last year, we attempted a 20 year reunion. it fell through. and was rescheduled for this year. a 21st reunion. scheduled for last weekend. so, we loaded up the lid kids and back up to batavia, new york we went. i have been to ny twice and florida […]

man. i really really am doing a terrible job at blogging. not that i think anyone is actually reading this. so, mostly i’m talking to future me and the kids. i had every intention of getting a september blog up and posted before we took a big trip to ny, so that right now, i […]
family beach trip 2015. the last day.

the last day. we started out at the beach. derek took isaac out in the deeper waters for a long time, so i wandered about with the girls. collecting bits of shells. and writing in the sand. and snapping as many photos of the sister love as i could. making beach soup. beach soup sous […]
fam beach trip ’15 (part 3)

hello. and welcome to another installment of the lidbom family beach trip. today, i will be blogging about wednesday and thursday. buckle up. it’s super exciting. (not really.) on wednesday, we did the same thing we did most of the week… headed for the beach. for some reason, this was the day we were obsessed […]
family beach trip, 2015 (part 2)

our second day at the beach began slowly. we worked a little on a puzzle (and hazel worked on wrecking it). had a lazy breakfast. and eventually got ready for the beach… at the beach, i made a feeble attempt at a family picture. hazel was not super agreeable. the boy. the girl. the toddler. […]
spontaneous mountain getaway.

so. derek’s parents and sister’s family and sister’s husband’s parents were in the mountains. i was hoping to maybe take the three lid kids up for a day trip, but when we mentioned it, derek’s dad swooped into action and found us a super cheap place to stay for a few days. (and he footed […]
july twenty fifteen.

we were gone for a lot of july, so there’s not a lot to post about. but, i will manage. 🙂 during our week at home between the beach and new york, derek was training for a new job at wells fargo. he settled in while we were in new york, so when we came […]
homeland pilgrimage. part 5. (the last one!!)

welcome to my final post about our trip to ny! i think at this point it’s thursday on our second week. jake had the day off (a rarity). and i’m pretty sure it was rainy and gross. so we had a lazy day. and i made jake pick us up some subs. from southside. i […]