our cedar city-ish campground (from early november, yes my blogging is way behind) just happened to be about an hour from zion. so the big kids and i made plans with our st. george friends to meet up in at the visitor center for lunch and then a few small hikes and adventures. firstly, we […]
hogle zoo and the last day with new gramma.

due to a slight miscommunication while planning, my mom’s flight out of salt lake city was a day later than we were scheduled to be at our campground. so, while derek drove the camper to the next location, we (kids, me, mom) headed to slc for a last day of adventure, before hanging in a […]
arches and canyonlands with new gramma.

obviously, i am once again a million years behind in blogging. it’s been a crazy month of whirlwind travel, which will be detailed in great length in a later post. for now though, i’ll pick up where i left off a month ago, just outside salt lake city, where my mom flew out to visit […]
heber city chronicles.

when i left off, i had just taken the kids on a little side trip to great basin national park. while we were having adventures, and driving to and from that park, derek moved along down the highway to the nevada border, which is where we met up with him for a night. the town […]
great basin national park.

initially, we were pretty sure there was no way we were going to squeeze in a trip to great basin national park. it’s a little off the beaten path, and the internet isn’t so hot, so with derek starting his new job, it wasn’t looking like a possibility. then, we had the bright idea that […]
mostly mount st. helens.(and some travel day pit stops).

our departure from mount rainier marked a crazy whirlwind week of travel, taking us from rainier to salt lake city by the end of the week. our first stop on the itinerary was a two day visit to mount st. helens. the travel day from rainier to mount st. helens wasn’t too long, but the […]
goonies never say die!

as a child of the 80s, i grew up during what will likely be looked back upon by historians as the greatest decade in cinema of all time. one such example of superior movie making is the goonies. so, when we found ourselves at a campground near the locations where the goonies was filmed, i […]
cousin moochdocking.portland, salem, and vancouver.

after our time in florence, oregon on the coast, it was time to head inland, where we planned to stay a few nights in my cousin nicole’s driveway. she and her husband had visited us last year when we were in eastern washington, but i was excited to see the rest of her family (some […]
lake tahoe with the grandlidboms.

it has been a LONG time since our last visit from the grandlidboms. we spent christmas in san diego with them, so it had been over six months by the time our lake tahoe visit rolled around, and the kids could barely contain themselves. we arrived and set up a little before they were able […]

here we go. another mad dash round of bloggy catch up. when i left off, had stopped to visit the jelly belly factory on our way from point reyes national seashore to a little spot just north of sacramento, in nicolaus, california. the place was a thousand trails campground, which usually means there’s not much […]