our two weeks in colorado springs were some of our favorites. we went on a lot of adventures and i got to see a couple of old friends. we kept busy enough that my official “downtime” post is even more boring than usual. we settled in on saturday and kicked off our adventures on the […]
the house of eternal return. (meow wolf).

when we were in albuquerque, at the science museum, i found myself chatting with on of the employees about our trip. when i told her we were heading to santa fe, she told us about a place that hadn’t popped onto my radar in my internet searches, called meow wolf. she said it was a […]
santa fe. with friends and family.

we just finished up a whirlwind week in santa fe, where my mom and terry flew in to stay with their friend david/dash, who moved away from their hood a few years ago. we met them saturday and quickly made our way to the plaza in downtown santa fe. we were pretty much starving, so […]
national naval aviation museum and lighthouse day.

monday was martin luther king jr day. so after we watched a few youtube videos about him, we headed to pensacola for a day of adventure on derek’s day off. our first stop was lunch. one of my former youth group students is in flight school nearby so we met up with him at the […]
navarre sea turtle conservatory.

when the kids were getting their junior ranger badges at fort pickens, the ranger there told us about a sea turtle rescue down the island in navarre. plus, our friends were staying basically across the street. so, on friday we took a beautful 20 mile drive along the gulf coast to meet them and visit […]
fort pickens state park: the beaches.

as warmer temps moved in, we took full advantage of our beach surroundings. for the first official outing, we went to the tip of the island. it was still a little chilly, but that didn’t stop isaac and anna from heading straight into the icy waters. isaac loves playing in crashing waves. hazel is smart. […]
five weeks in winston-salem.

this morning, we bid farewell to our “hometown” of winston-salem after a five week visit with derek’s parents. we stayed in their driveway, and overtook their house. we completed some camper fixes and upgrades. we purged some clothes and toys and added new clothes and toys. we ate a lot. celebrated a lot. and spent […]
the big four oh.

while we were in nc with family, we celebrated halloween, my birthday, thanksgiving, hazel’s birthday and christmas. we crammed a lot in. this post is about my birthday. my 40th birthday to be exact. i celebrated a night early with the family. on my actual bday, i went out to the porch (my fave) with […]
cape cod friend reunion.

i’ve said it before, but one of the bonuses to this lifestyle is being able to meet up with old friends who i might otherwise never get to see again ever. on friday, we hooked up with one such person. my friend cathy, from my college days, now resides in cape cod, where her husband […]
suny tech reunion at lake taghkanic.

one of the best parts about road life is being able to connect with old friends who are scattered around the country. that happened last sunday when i was able to meet up with three friends from my college days at suny tech. to be exact, it was an old soccer and softball teammate and […]