it has been a really REALLY long time since i have made a quilt for isaac (nine years to be exact), and he has been asking for a minecraft quilt for quite awhile, so finally, one day, i pulled the trigger. i had him pick out twenty characters/blocks that he wanted and then set off […]
ghost town quilt.aka: my first and possibly only halloween quilt.

i’ve never really been much of a halloween enthusiast, much less a halloween quilter. but, when my friend dana from old red barn co started posting sneak peaks of a halloween ghost town quilt she was making a pattern for, i knew i had to join the fun. the best part about the quilt is […]
an epic unicorn pillow and other random finishes.

over the summer, i had a bit of a lull in my quilting mojo. i’m not sure why. coronavirus fatigue? tired of looking at my same old fabrics? grumpy from losing my dedicated quilt room? some of all? either way, i decided to look for a paper pieced project to jump start things. they give […]
monthly non-adventure post, july edition.

another month of pandemic life has come and gone. things are still sort of opened, but now cases are back on the increase, so no one knows what to make of anything anymore. it’s madness. but somehow, the month still managed to fly by, maybe because we are used to it at this point. all […]
epic amh quilt 2.0

during a spontaneous trip to my local quilt shop, i discovered they carried some fabrics from the newest line (hindsight) of one of my favorite designers (anna maria horner). even though i just completed my (first) epic anna maria horner quilt, it was inspiration to make another. i’ve had my eye on a herringbone quilt […]
quarantine may.

even though things started opening up in may, we mostly laid low, and did a lot of the same things we have been doing for the entire quarantine. music concerts, baking, sewing, dog snuggling, yard work. you know the drill. but then also a few outings, of varying degrees of excitement. 🙂 firstly. on anna’s […]
coronavirus sewing.

i have had a complete lack of sewing motivation during the lockdown. which works out, because i also find myself with very little time to sew. even though our lives didn’t change THAT much, i am missing a weekly day with the kids in co-op so i can run errands. and an evening with anna […]
febz. 2020.

i think we can all agree at this point, that if i’m working on my february post on the last day of march, that’s a good pace for me. so here goes. the random life and times of the lidbom kids during the last month before the apocalypse happened. first up. the superbowl. a tom […]
all the other january stuff.

we kicked off january 2020 fighting a stupid nasty cough and cold. there were a lot of fluids and drugs and napping people. it was meh. eventually we were all on the mend and regular old life resumed. lots of lounging around. arts and crafts. games. you know. randomness. for christmas, my mom got me […]
the making of things in october and november.

in the interest of catching this blog up, i’m lumping together all of my sewing and quilting exploits from october and november (and december if i’m being honest because there was literally NONE in that month). firstly, my pal heather’s birthday is at the end of october and she’s an avid reader. i shrunk down […]